The Globalization of Sports

Sports are physical contests that involve both human and non-human actors. There are many definitions of sports and the term itself varies across cultures. However, the most useful definitions help to clarify the relationship between sports and play. A game is considered play if it is done for pleasure and is not done for professional gain. In contrast, a sport involves a player competing for recognition.

The globalization of sports is part of a larger process of globalization, or the development of an interdependent world economy. In the 20th century, the rise of global economic activity, cosmopolitan culture, and a number of international social movements were all signs of a globalizing world. Additionally, modern technology allowed people, money, and images to travel more rapidly. As a result, modern sports were influenced by these interwoven patterns.

In addition to economic growth and technological innovation, global sports development has become more commercialized. Historically, sports were dominated by European nations, but the rise of emerging and developing nations has challenged this dominance. Sports are now played by a variety of ethnic groups and sex groups. This diversity is manifested in the increasingly international nature of sports.

Emotions are an important part of the sports experience. They reflect the athlete’s self-perception and their perception of others’ evaluation of their performances. Some of these feelings occur before a game, while others may occur during and after the game. The sports subculture helps athletes manage these feelings. For example, athletes are expected to maintain appropriate behavior during the national anthem and the post-game victory celebration.