The Benefits of Sports

Sports are physical contests pursued for the goals and challenges they entail.

Unlike work, which requires effort but has no goal beyond the satisfaction of its performance, sports are autotelic. Unlike recalcitrant children compelled by their parents or teachers to play football (soccer), whose only motivation is the money they can win, professional athletes are motivated not only by their own success but also by the social and economic rewards that come with it.

Mental Health Benefits of Sports

When you are involved in a sport, your brain gets flooded with neurotransmitters that promote feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Whether you are playing with friends or taking a brisk walk, the endorphins stimulated by your movements induce a state of relaxation and improve your mood.

Social Benefits of Sports

When you’re involved in a sport, you get to meet people from all walks of life and build lasting friendships. These relationships may be with teammates or fellow sports enthusiasts, but they are often strong enough to carry you through the highs and lows of playing a competitive sport.

Losing is an inevitable part of sports and learning to cope with disappointment helps a child develop resilience. It is also a good way to build trust and respect for others, even when they are not on the same team.

Besides the mental, physical and social benefits of sports, playing them is also beneficial for your heart. Studies have shown that regular exercise and participation in sports can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and prevent heart diseases.