Globalization and the Media’s Role in Sports


The globalization of sports began in the 19th century and spread throughout the 20th. The globalization of sports ushered in the development of national sports organizations, standardization of rules, and acceptance of sports in various nations. Regular international competitions and special competitions, such as the Olympic Games, were established. By the 1970s, more than 200 countries participated in international sporting competitions, including the United States. But there were many challenges in the development of international sports.

First, sports teach students to deal with their emotions. Students usually deal with many emotional issues in their lives, and sports teach them how to accept both victories and defeats. Sports also give kids an all-round development. Moreover, sports improve self-esteem and confidence. Many of them go on to lead successful and fulfilling lives. A positive impact of sports on children can’t be overstated. If you’re interested in sports, get involved in one or several of them.

The media’s role in sports is complex. While they have always been a part of human culture, sports have also influenced media culture and the way people think and behave. Commercial television networks regularly interrupt sporting events to run commercials, while Olympic sprinters start their races at 5 in the morning for the benefit of New Yorkers. Some observers and athletes claim that the media has distorted and taken over sports. While this is undoubtedly true, the media’s role in modern sports is vital.